eCommerce has become one of the most important ways for companies to do business.


Not only does it provide consumers with more convenience and flexibility when shopping, but it also provides you with a whole range of opportunities to interact with the consumers and generate sales.


Especially in the current information age we live in, any successful business that sells a product or service should have an eCommerce platform.


There are an estimated 12 million to 24 million eCommerce sites globally, with more created every day.


It broadens your brand and allows you to sell more without increasing physical storage space and increases your reach because of the accessibility of the internet.


Since eCommerce is crucial to the success of any business, hiring for your store should be a careful process.


Hire the Right Roles


An eCommerce store needs a good supporting team to operate smoothly. Some of the essential roles you should consider hiring include:

-Digital Marketing Manager

-Supply Chain Manager

-Web Developer

-Customer Service Representatives



These people provide the leadership and expertise to guide your store in the direction you want.


Hire at the Right Time


There is no exact rule as to when you should start expanding your team. However, online retailers should have a complete understanding of how their eCommerce store works and have a clear idea of what roles are missing to help the business grow before hiring.


Outline the Structure and Responsibilities of Your Team


-What are your business needs?

-Who do you hire first?

-What are each person’s responsibilities?

-What are your staffing structure and workflow employees will use?

-What is your management?


These questions guide the design of your eCommerce team structure to ensure organizational needs and responsibilities are outlined.


Hire the Right People


You should create detailed job descriptions, conduct well-structured interviews, and think about which candidates will best fit your company culture and customer needs.


In addition, screening employees should be a vital step of your hiring process. Asking for references, performing background checks, and conducting social media background checks are great ways to verify applicant information and identify if they are the right fit for your business.


At Triton Canada, our background check solutions can help you find the best employees for your eCommerce store. Our solutions seamlessly integrate with any applicant tracking system to simplify your hiring process. Whether you need reference checks, criminal background checks, employment history verifications, or something else, we’ll get you the information you need to make smarter hiring decisions.


Call us at 1-844-874-8667 or visit for a free quote today.