When applying to be an international student in Canada, there is a lengthy process to prove your eligibility as a Canadian international student and get your study permit.


According to the Canadian government website, the eligibility requirements include:

-You are enrolled at a designated learning institution.

-You prove that you can pay your tuition fees, living expenses, and return transportation.

-You are in good health and have obtained a medical examination if required.

-You can prove to an officer that you will leave Canada when your study permit expires.


Among the eligibility requirements is an international student background check that verifies you can obey the law and have no criminal record.


Why Do International Students Need Criminal Background Checks?


The Canadian government needs to ensure that international students and their families are not a security risk to the country and its people.


Criminal background checks investigate the criminal and security background of study permit applicants to ensure they’re admissible to Canada.


According to the Coast Mountain College in British Columbia, criminal background checks are required in some programs to ensure that the applicants are allowed to participate in practicum components or be in contact with children and vulnerable populations.


What Are the Different Types of Criminal Background Checks?


According to the Police Record Checks Reform Act, three types of record checks that can be conducted for screening purposes in Ontario.


1. Criminal Record Check – Shows criminal convictions and findings of guilt under the federal Youth Criminal Justice Act.

2. Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check – Shows information on a criminal record check as well as absolute and conditional discharges, outstanding charges, arrest warrants, and certain judicial orders.

3. Vulnerable Sector Check* – Shows the same information as a criminal record and judicial matters check, and findings of not criminally responsible due to mental disorder, pardons related to sexually-based offenses, and non-conviction charge related information.


At Triton, we can help international students obtain a criminal background check. We have partners in 164 countries and all major international jurisdictions to provide our solutions no matter where you are – affordably and quickly.


*Note: A Vulnerable sector check must be conducted at a police station.


To learn more about how we can help, call us at 1-844-874-8667 or visit www.tritoncanada.ca.