An Ontario police check has become a standard part of the recruiting process for many employers. In a survey of employers in Toronto, over 60 per cent said they required an Ontario police check for all employees.

If you’re applying for jobs in Ontario, here’s what you need to know.

What Does an Ontario Police Check Involve?

There are three types of Ontario police checks.

  • Police Criminal Record Check (PCRC)

A PCRC is a basic check for applicants looking to work for organizations that don’t involve children or vulnerable adults. A PCRC includes a criminal convictions summary and findings of guilt under the Youth Criminal Justice Act within the applicable disclosure period.

  • Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check (CRJMC)

A CRJMC is like a PCRC but also includes outstanding entries and charges, including charges and warrants, judicial orders, peace bonds, probation, prohibition orders; and absolute and conditional discharges for one or three years, respectively.

  • Police Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC)

A VSC is for applicants looking to work in a position of authority with children or vulnerable adults. Along with the information included in a CRJMC or PCRC, a PVS will also include charges that resulted in a finding of not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder, and pardoned offences authorized under the Criminal Records Act Non-conviction information authorized through Exceptional Disclosure.

What Types of Jobs Require an Ontario Police Check?

Here is a general guideline to give you a general idea of what occupation may request a particular Ontario police check.

Please note that this is not meant to be authoritative. The nature of the job will determine which type of Ontario police check you will need, so be sure to confirm with your employer before making your request.

Police Criminal Record Check (PCRC):

  • Finance
  • Municipalities
  • Travel industry
  • Immigration
  • Retail and hospitality industry

Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check (CRJMC):

  • An organization’s board of directors
  • IT personnel
  • Skilled labour

Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC)

  • Doctors, nurses, and hospital employees
  • Dentists
  • Teachers and non-teaching staff in schools
  • Early childhood educators and daycare employees
  • Social workers

Need your Ontario Police Check Fast?

If you need your Ontario police check quickly then Triton can help. Our online police check will satisfy a PCRC and a CRJMC. For a VSC, you will have to contact your local police service.

Simply enter your information, pay using our secure methods, and you’ll receive your Ontario police check via email within just 15 minutes. It’s that easy!

And because we follow RCMP guidelines, your information is safe.

Download our app or visit our website to get your Ontario police check today.