According to a recent survey, 87 per cent of Canadian workers reported they’ve felt stuck in their jobs at some point over the last year, with a third of that number saying they feel like that “often or always.” Accordingly, 70 per cent of Canadian workers are either considering or actively looking for a new job.

This raises the question: when should you look for a new job? It’s not always an easy decision to make. But sometimes it makes more sense to move than to stay put.

When Should You Look for a New Job?

  • You’re burnt out

In the same survey mentioned above, almost 90 per cent of respondents said they’d experienced burnout over the last year. Many of us experience ebbs and flows when it comes to workplace stress, and we can often feel overwhelmed, but burnout is a special type of physical and emotional exhaustion.

There can be many causes of burnout. Perhaps your workload is too heavy, you don’t feel valued, or the environment is toxic. Whatever the causes, the results can be devastating.

According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms can include:

  • Excessive stress
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Poor heart health
  • Diabetes
  • And more

If you find your job is impacting your mental and physical health, it is crucial to seek help. You can discuss your situation with a supervisor and colleagues to try and manage your current workload. You should also consult with a professional on improving some of these symptoms.

And if you find there’s no realistic way to relieve your symptoms while working in your current position, it may be the right time to move on.

  • You’re stuck

Perhaps you’ve hit a wall at your organization. You’re not learning anything new anymore and there’s no clear path to a promotion.

As a result, you find yourself doing the same tasks repeatedly with increasingly less enthusiasm. When work becomes a chore it can drag down your performance.

If you find yourself in this situation, it may be a good idea to consider moving on before you damage your reputation. After all, you may need your current employer as a reference.

Reach out to your manager and begin an open conversation. Tell them your concerns about the lack of opportunity for promotion. If you both agree there’s no clear solution then discuss how you can help with the transition.

Ready to Move On?

When should you look for a new job? The answer to that question depends on you and your circumstances. But if you are ready to hit the job market, Triton can help.

Our online criminal background check will get you the information you need in 15 minutes or less. And you never have to leave home!

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