In a recent survey from ADP Canada, 24 per cent of respondents said they were new to their current position. Dubbed the “Great Resignation,” many Canadians, along with other working people around the world, have transitioned into a new career opportunity.

Are you also looking for a change?

If you’re looking for a new position, then you be wondering how to get ready for a job interview. Here are some pointers.

How to Get Ready for a Job Interview

So, you decided to apply for a job and were invited to an interview. Congratulations. Now the preparation work begins.

  • Do your homework

In addition to thoroughly understanding the job description, you should also research the company. Gaining insight into the organization will give you clues into what they’re looking for in a candidate.

Review the company website, look up the executive team on LinkedIn, search Google for any relevant news, and analyze their competitors.

  • Practice your pitch

An important part of a successful interview is being able to sell yourself. This requires a delicate balance of self-promotion without arrogance.

If you’ve done your homework, then you may be able to imagine some potential questions you’ll be asked. Practice your answers. This will also help improve your confidence.

  • Ask the right questions

Interviewers will often give you the chance to ask them questions. This is an opportunity for you to learn more about the company and demonstrate you’ve taken the time to learn about them.

Asking how this position will contribute to a specific initiative is one example of something you could ask the interviewer.

  • Have your credentials ready

Depending on the position, many organizations will require certain credentials to prove you’re a good fit for the role. These can include a criminal background check, a credit check, or a driver’s abstract.

Taking the initiative to have these ready before the onboarding process will show your commitment.

Be Job Market Ready

Now that you’ve figured out how to get ready for a job interview, the next step is having your criminal record check ready. Don’t worry. We’ve got your back.

With our user-friendly process, you can have the results you need in just 15 minutes. Simply fill in your information, pay using our secure methods, and you’ll receive your criminal record check via email. It’s that easy.

And because we follow RCMP guidelines, you can be confident your information is safe.

Download our app or visit our website to get your criminal record check today.