When conducting pre-employment screening for new hires, one of the most important measures your HR team will need to take is to validate the information provided by your candidate. This includes their employment history, education background, credit, references, and criminal record.

Right now, the hospitality/hotel sector is experiencing a boom, and is well on its way to surpassing the benchmark set in pre-pandemic days. However, due to labor shortages, it’s getting to the point where the industry can’t keep up with the demand. As a result, rooms are left empty and going unsold. Expansion plans are being curtailed and opportunities for new business are lost in the shuffle. Some experts have surmised that if the key issues aren’t improved the entire industry could be facing a labour shortfall that’s upward of 10,000 positions over the course of the next decade.

So how HR leaders in the hospitality industry look to remedy the situation? It all begins with hiring the right people for the right jobs and being able to quickly react to market demand and avoiding backlogs and delays in hiring. Outsourcing your background checks to a company who offers centralized background checks will mean your team will have:

  • More time to focus on recruiting.
  • Increased consistency (checks aren’t being impacted by high workloads and will be processed at a quicker pace)
  • Impartial results (a reference/employment check performed by an employee who has already met with a candidate may be carrying a bias)

So then, the question becomes, what should you be looking for in a partner when outsourcing background checks? Here are a few things to consider:

  • A centralized operation: can they everything under one roof and even be integrated into your systems?
  • Offering a complete range of checks (education, employment, references, credit, criminal background, driver’s history, social media and more).
  • Security
  • Speed and efficiency: offer SLA’s for turn around time.
  • Continuous support throughout integration and beyond.
  • Accuracy: obtains their data from the best sources (e.g., If they’re performing a government check, government data is being accessed)
  • Integration
  • Support
  • Most accurate data source.

If you are performing five or more background checks per month or more, you should be outsourcing your background checks, as well as looking at a solution and pricing that reflects both your volume and your teams’ objectives.

In conclusion, hospitality leaders must partner with a reliable background check provider to hire the right employees. Triton Canada offers comprehensive services, accurate and up-to-date data, fast and efficient results, a user-friendly platform, and expert support. These factors make Triton Canada the best option for hospitality leaders looking to streamline their hiring process and make informed hiring decisions.