Whether you’re applying for a full-time role, freelance position, or volunteer position, recruiters can ask for a reference check to determine your eligibility.

Not only can an employment reference check attest to your skills and professionalism in the workplace, but it can also verify the accuracy of your application information.

It is estimated that more than 50% of people lie on their resumes.

These lies can be as small as slightly exaggerating job responsibilities and achievements or as big as including inaccurate academic credentials.

According to the Monster Future of Work: 2021 Outlook survey, 66% of employers agreed that candidates exaggerate skills and competencies on their resumes, and 78% of applicants stretched the truth about themselves.

Here are common lies the report found:

-Stating proficiency for basic knowledge of a skill or tool;

-Inaccurate employment dates;

-Providing false reasons for leaving a job;

-Making up relevant experiences;

-And providing a false name for the educational institution attended.

Reference check professionals are trained to ask open-ended and probing questions, listen for pregnant pauses, and record detailed answers to ensure that candidates are reliable and verified.

Who Should Be Your Reference?

There are several people who should and shouldn’t be your reference for a reference check verification.

Although friends can provide a personal reference, you should generally provide professional references to your recruiter when applying for a job.

1. Past employers or co-workers are great to include as professional references.

They have worked closely with you before and can provide an accurate testimonial to your abilities and behaviors in the workplace.

Try to reach out to employers and co-workers at your most recent employment because their references will be the most detailed and up to date with your experiences.

2. Teachers are also great references to include in your reference check verification process.

They help employers verify the accuracy of your academic credentials and certifications. Your teachers will also be able to discuss the skills and experiences you received in class.

3. Friends, if they are a professional reference.

Including your friend as a reference is acceptable if they were your supervisor or work at the company you’re applying to. Otherwise, it’s best to leave out personal references.

4. Places you’ve volunteered.

Peers and supervisors at any place you’ve previously volunteered are great references. Not only are employers likely to be impressed by your volunteering experiences, but the people you volunteered with can attest to how you are outside of your job.

At Triton, we’re always here to support you as you explore your career options. If you’re applying to a role that requires a background check, we have the solutions for you.

To learn more about how we can help, call us at 1-844-874-8667 or visit www.tritoncanada.ca.