The market size of Canada’s dating services industry has grown 3 per cent yearly on average since 2017 and is worth nearly $160 million. As the industry grows and matures, so do users’ expectations. Naturally, safety is often top of mind. Multilayered background checks can help matchmakers ensure their clients’ safety.

Criminal Record Checks for Dating Platforms

Tinder has recently integrated a criminal background check tool into its app. This comes after continued pressure to make online dating services safer for users. For example, the Colombia Journalism Institute analyzed more than 150 incidents of sexual assault involving dating apps and found that in 10 per cent of the incidents, dating platforms had matched users with someone who’d been accused or convicted of sexual assault.

A criminal record check shows an individual’s convictions, arrest warrants, outstanding charges, and other criminal records. And while Tinder’s initiative could help prevent future sexual assaults, some are critical that apps like Tinder and other platforms often place the onus on individuals to do the work. Matchmakers looking to differentiate their services from their competitors can leverage background checks on their end, so clients feel safe.

Other Background Checks

Criminal record checks are a good place to start but there are more options available.

It’s important to point out that many violent individuals may not have had any interactions with the criminal justice system and therefore have no records, so other verifications are needed to provide insight.

Furthermore, there is potential for criminal activity in online dating in addition to sexual assault. Romance scams account for the second-highest amount of money lost to fraud in Canada. In 2020, Canada’s fraud centre registered losses of nearly $30 million, which more than doubled to over $64 million in 2021. However, experts believe these numbers are likely much bigger because victims are too embarrassed to reach out to authorities.

How can we detect potential fraudsters? There are clues if you know where to look. For example, more than 50 per cent of users lie about their jobs and incomes on dating platforms. Employment history and reference check verifications can help verify whether the information users are presenting is accurate, exposing liars.

Catfishing, using a fake persona to lure someone into a relationship, is also very common, particularly in Canada. In fact, in 2020 there were over 1,000 catfishing reports, the third highest in the world. A thorough social media check will identify red flags that aren’t typically found with other traditional background checks.

We Know Your Industry

With Triton by your side, matchmakers can be confident their clientele are reputable individuals and users are safe using your services. We offer criminal background checks, employment history verifications, reference checks, and social media background checks. Our industry-leading solutions comply with all privacy regulations.

To learn more call 1-855-832-5891 or visit our website.